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Lumbar Disc Replacement

Bertagnoli R, Yue JJ, Shah RV, Nanieva R, Pfeiffer F, Fenk-Mayer A, et al: The treatment of disabling multilevel lumbar discogenic low back pain with total disc arthroplasty utilizing the ProDisc prosthesis: a prospective study with 2-year minimum follow-up. Spine 30:2192-2199, 2005.

Bertagnoli R, Yue JJ, Shah RV, Nanieva R, Pfeiffer F, Fenk-Mayer A, et al: The treatment of disabling single-level lumbar discogenic low back pain with total disc arthroplasty utilizing the Prodisc prosthesis: a prospective study with 2-year minimum follow-up. Spine 30:2230-2236, 2005.

Bertagnoli R, Yue JJ, Nanieva R, Fenk-Mayer A, Husted DS, Shah RV, Emerson JW: The Treatment of Disabling Single Level Lumbar Discogenic Low Back Pain in Patients over 60 with Total Disc Arthroplasty Utilizing the Prodisc® Prosthesis: A Prospective Study with 2 Year Minimum Follow-up, J Neurosurg Spine 4:1-6, 2006.

Bertagnoli R, Yue JJ, Kershaw T, Shah RV, Pfeiffer F, Fenk-Mayer A, Nanieva R, Karg, A, Husted DS, Emerson JW: Smoking and Total Disc Arthroplasty Utilizing the Prodisc® Prosthesis: A Prospective Study with 2 Year Minimum Follow-up, accepted for publication, Spine, 2006.

Bertagnoli R, Yue JJ, Nanieva R, Fenk-Mayer A, Erulkar J, Emerson JW: The Treatment of Symptomatic Adjacent Segment Degeneration After Lumbar Fusion with Total Disc Arthroplasty Utilizing the Prodisc® Prosthesis: A Prospective Study with 2 Year Minimum Follow-up, J Neurosurg Spine, 4: 7-13, 2006.

Gumbs AA, Shah RV, Yue JJ, Sumpio B Revision Open Anterior Paramedian Retroperitoneal Approaches for Spine Procedures, Accepted to Journal Spinal Disorders, 2006.

Gumbs AA, Shah RV, Yue JJ, Sumpio B: The open anterior paramedian retroperitoneal approach for spine procedures. Arch Surg 140:339-343, 2005.

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